
最近美國從伊拉克撤兵, 新聞說美國沒有找到當時出兵的理由, 請問, 美國出兵伊拉克的理由是什麼? 聯合國沒有制止嗎? 現在美國沒有找到出兵的理由, 那聯合國可以制裁美國嗎? 伊拉克可不可以向美國求贘?

相關問題, 請參考以下資訊, 再底下是聯合國1441號決議, 並有美國駐聯合國大使
對該決議的解釋, 您可看得出來, 美國已不是完全沒有出兵的藉口了.
"...If the Security Council fails to act decisively in the event of further Iraqi violations, this resolution does not constrain any Member State from acting to defend itself against the threat posed by Iraq or to enforce relevant United Nations resolutions and protect world peace and security"


美國「九一一恐怖襲擊事件」發生後,美國總統布希宣布向美國政府認為的「恐怖主義」宣戰,並將伊拉克等多個國家列入「邪惡軸心國」(Axis of Evil)。2002年伊拉克危機爆發,聯合國通過1441號決議,聯合國武器檢查團重返伊拉克檢查伊拉克擁有的大規模殺傷性武器。3月18日美國總統布希發表電視講話,要求並沒有在伊拉克境內發現任何大規模殺傷性武器的武檢團立即撤離伊拉克。



在2003年3月20日上午05:34的當地時間對伊拉克的入侵開始了。[6] 由美國將軍湯米·弗蘭克斯的率領下,開始了代號「解放伊拉克行動」,[7] 後來改名為伊拉克自由行動,而英國的代號為「Telic行動」、澳大利亞的代號為「獵鷹行動」。北方庫爾德勢力和大約其他四十個政府,組成了美國為首的聯軍。參與的國家有派遣部隊、提供設備、或是後勤支援。聯軍的部隊有248,000名美國士兵、45,000英軍士兵、2,000名澳大利亞士兵和波蘭GROM特種部隊的194名士兵由科威特前往伊拉克。[8]入侵力量也包括伊拉克庫爾德武裝部隊,估計數量有70,000人[9]。

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 is a United Nations Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the United Nations Security Council on November 8, 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions....
On November 8, 2002, the Security Council passed Resolution 1441 by a unanimous 15-0 vote; Russia, China, France, and Arab countries such as Syria voted in favor, giving Resolution 1441 wider support than even the 1990 Gulf War resolution.

While some politicians have argued that the resolution could authorize war under certain circumstances, the representatives in the meeting were clear that this was not the case. The ambassador for the United States, John Negroponte, said:

“ [T]his resolution contains no "hidden triggers" and no "automaticity" with respect to the use of force. If there is a further Iraqi breach, reported to the Council by UNMOVIC, the IAEA or a Member State, the matter will return to the Council for discussions as required in paragraph 12. The resolution makes clear that any Iraqi failure to comply is unacceptable and that Iraq must be disarmed. And, one way or another, Iraq will be disarmed. If the Security Council fails to act decisively in the event of further Iraqi violations, this resolution does not constrain any Member State from acting to defend itself against the threat posed by Iraq or to enforce relevant United Nations resolutions and protect world peace and security.[2] 