
請問Federal Library 聯邦圖書館是一個什麼樣的組織呢? 在網路上查了一些資料都沒有很詳細的說明,他是真的有一個圖書館且真的有館員在裡面服務嗎?還是? 麻煩給我一些資訊了,非常感謝。


Federal library 不是專指一個圖書館,而是指美國聯邦政府所成立的圖書館,最主要的四個圖書館為:The Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, the National Library of Education, and the National Agricultural Library,請看以下資料:

federal library
A library owned and operated by the federal government of the United States, usually containing a collection of government documents pertaining to the field(s) it is mandated to cover. The largest are the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, the National Library of Education, and the National Agricultural Library. The Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) of the Library of Congress has provided the FEDLINK guide to federal libraries since 1965. Federal librarians are organized in the Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table (FAFLRT) of the American Library Association (ALA).

ODLIS:Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science

Federal Library & Information Center Committee > About Us

The Impact of the Federal Library Services and Construction Act
Library Trend, July 1975
