

您好:  我想知道關於Bookstart閱讀推廣活動,要用哪些關鍵字,比較搜尋得到「國外」對增進家庭親子關係或是閱讀風氣的影響,有深入研究的期刊文章?  目前找到的資料都是偏向對語言發展(聽、說)或是對未來入學後的學習比較有幫助,即便提到可增進親子關係,也沒有找到較深入的訪談研究結果。  謝謝您的幫忙!!


  其中,有一篇文章Bookstart: A qualitative evaluation ( http://search.proquest.com/docview/235110850?accountid=7979 )不知是否符合您的需求?
  Bookstart: A qualitative evaluation
  Moore, Maggie; Wade, Barrie. Educational Review55.1 (Feb 2003): 3-13.
  另以family literacy、early childhood、preschool、reading instruction、educational evaluation、shared-book reading等作為關鍵字進行檢索,可找到相關學位論文列舉如下:
A comparison study of the experiences of educators and non-educators in promoting reading and reading-related skills of their own preschool children
by Fitzpatrick, Tamecca S , Ed.D. , University of North Texas, 2005, 118Pages, AAT 3206081

A head start on reading for children in a Head Start preschool program
by Osley, Kristin R , M.S. , University of North Texas, 2009, 38Pages, AAT 1472594

Book-reading habits and attitudes of culturally diverse parents of preschool-age children
by Mvemba, Zeina Grace , M.Ed. , North Carolina Central University Communication Disorders, 2015, 75Pages, AAT 1590498

Case study: the impact of preschool on kindergarten developmental reading assessments
by Moore, Sheila , Ed.D. , Lindenwood University Education, 2014, 147Pages, AAT 3666901

二、經查網路資源,查得英國有Bookstart主題網站www.bookstart.org.uk,此網站有相關調查研究報告提供下載,請參考: http://www.bookstart.org.uk/research/
  有關世界各國Bookstart的情形可參考網頁:Bookstart around the world ( http://www.bookstart.org.uk/about/international/ )

三、Sheffield Hallam University也有關於Bookstart的研究,您可以至該校官網查詢。
  例如以"Bookstart"為網內查詢詞,查詢結果: http://www.shu.ac.uk/search.html?q=bookstart


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