
1.請問圖書館使用OCLC的聯合目錄需要付費嗎?? worldCat 和 FirstSearch 又是什麼?? 2.查詢書目資料時,"關鍵字"和"標題"的差異為何??


以Firstsearch 使用OCLC worldcat 是需要付費的. 

WorldCat is a union catalog which itemizes the collections of 71,000 libraries in 112 countries[1] which participate in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) global cooperative. It is built and maintained collectively by the participating libraries.
Created in 1971, it contains more than 150 million different records pointing to over 1.4 billion physical and digital assets in more than 470 languages.[1] It is the world's largest bibliographic database. OCLC makes WorldCat itself available free to libraries, but the catalog is the foundation for other fee-based OCLC services (such as resource sharing and collection management). ...
資料來源: WorldCat-Wikipedia 

FirstSearch is an online reference search tool that delivers quality content from WorldCat and other quality, respected databases.
FirstSearch at a glance

指標識於器物或字畫上的題記文字,又指標明著作及其篇章的題目 title;head;heading;head line

關鍵詞, 又稱鍵詞. 從文獻的題目(有時也從文摘或正文)中抽取的、能夠表達文獻主題且具有
檢索意義的語詞. 一般不必經過規範化處理. 例如, 直接選自篇名 "圖書館自動化系統的設計" 的
"圖書館", "自動化", "系統", "設計".
"圖書情報學詞典", 上海漢語大詞典出版社, 1990, p.365.