
"高科技產業" "使用經驗" "生活型態" "情感設計"名詞解釋為何? 這名詞解釋或定義哪些學術性的網頁可以查詢呢?

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「情感設計」(Emotional Design) 一書的作者為西北大學電腦科學與心理學教授Donald A. Norman,光從書名便可清楚知道全書的重點所在 – 情感與設計。作者將設計區分為三個層次,從最底層依序是本能層次 (visceral level)、行為層次 (behavioral level) 以及反思層次(reflective level )。


Emotional Design is both the title of a book by Donald Norman and of the concept it represents. The main issue is that emotions have a crucial role in the human ability to understand the world, and how they learn new things. For example: aesthetically pleasing objects appear to the user to be more effective, by virtue of their sensual appeal. This is due to the affinity the user feels for an object that appeals to him, due to the formation of an emotional connection [with the object].
Norman's approach is based on classical ABC model of attitudes. However, he changed the concept to be suitable for application in design. The three dimensions have new names (visceral, behavioral and reflective level) and partially new content. In the book, Norman shows that design of most objects are perceived on all three levels (dimensions). Therefore a good design should address all three levels.


情感設計之創作教學及評價因素探討 鄧建國 ; 莊明振 工業設計 35:2=117 2007.11[民96.11] 頁172-177 
語文 中文 
關鍵詞 情感設計 ; 評價因素 ; 創意產品評價 ; 設計工作營 
分類號 962 

題名/著者 情感設計之設計理論與設計思維比較研究: Donald A. Norman與深澤直人= A comparative study of emotional design’s design theory and design thinking: Donald A. Norman and Naoto Fukasawa/ 王嘉盈撰 
出版項 , 民98.07 
稽核項 158面 : 圖; 30公分 

題名/著者 導入情感設計的互動式人工生命= Interactive artificial life with emotional design/ 金芝寧[撰] 
出版項 , 民98.06 
稽核項 114面 : 圖; 30公分 
附註 指導教授: 李其瑋 含參考書目 

題名/著者 以情感設計角度形塑速食麵包裝設計= Instant noodles package based on the perspective of emotional design/ 何思穎撰 
出版項 , 民98.07 
稽核項 99葉 : 圖; 30公分 
附註 指導教授: 姚村雄 

題名/著者 從生活美學談情感設計: 以陶瓷茶具創作為例= Discusses the emotional design from the life esthetics: the porcelain tea set design as the explanations/ 孫盈馨撰 
出版項 , 民97.06 
稽核項 153葉 : 圖; 30公分 
附註 指導教授: 施令紅, 劉素真 

題名/著者 情感設計: 我們為何喜歡(或討厭)日常用品/ 唐納.諾曼(Donald A. Norman)作; 翁鵲嵐, 鄭玉屏, 張志傑譯 
版次 初版 
出版項 臺北市 : 田園城市文化, 2005[民94] 
稽核項 308面 : 圖; 23公分 
ISBN 9867705904