
1.請問魚類排除含氮廢物氨是從鰓還是其他地方 2.鳥類會飛是本能還是學習行為


相關問題, 敬覆如下.

魚類的主要泌尿器官為腎臟. 鰓除去交換氣體和排除二氧化碳外, 也進行氮化物和鹽分的排瀉.
鰓在排除氮化物上似乎與腎臟分工, 主要排出容易擴散的物質如尿素和氨. 鯉魚和金魚通過鰓排瀉的含氮物質比通過腎臟排出的要多5-9倍. 只有氮化物分解產生中比較難擴散的物質如尿酸、肌酸等才由腎臟排除. 佔鹽分絕大比重的氯化鈉、氯化鉀等也通過鰓排出體外.
"魚類生理學", 施瑔芳編著, 基隆市 : 水產出版 ; 臺北縣新店市 : 農學總經銷, 民83, 頁207-208. 

Maturational instincts
Some instinctive behaviors depend on maturational processes to appear. For instance, we commonly refer to birds "learning" to fly. However, young birds have been experimentally reared in devices that prevent them from moving their wings until they reached the age at which their cohorts were flying. These birds flew immediately and normally when released, showing that their improvement resulted from neuromuscular maturation and not true learning.[2]

這段英文主要的意思是指, 鳥的飛行是神經肌肉的成熟結果, 它還是本能, 稱為 "成熟本能" (maturational instincts), 而不是真的 "學習".
