
咖啡因的攝取對膽固醇過高的患者有什麼影響? 膽固醇過高的患者在飲食上又應注意哪些部分?

根據下面兩段敘述, 咖啡因似乎不是增高膽固醇的原因.
前一段說, 咖啡裏的一種油質物質 Terpene (字典翻譯為 "松烯"), 是喝過量咖啡
增加膽固醇的原因, 而非咖啡因, 因為實驗顯示, 去咖啡因的咖扉喝多了膽固醇照樣高.
下一段是說一種成份 Cafestol, 都沒有說是咖啡因. 但未過濾的咖啡 Expresso 及法式壓縮
這些資訊僅供參考而已. 所有有關健康及醫藥方面的知識, 請以醫學專業人員的意見和

The most significant studies on the relationship between caffeine and cholesterol have been conducted on coffee's effects on cholesterol. Coffee is high in caffeine. According to Dr. Michael J. Klag, the vice dean for clinical investigation at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, on msnbc.com, drinking unfiltered coffee can increase overall cholesterol levels. However, it is not the caffeine that causes the increase but oils called terpenes. Terpenes are present only in unfiltered coffees, such as espresso or French press coffee.
A separate study, published in the July 2007 issue of Molecular Endocrinology journal, corroborates these findings. When the researchers removed caffeine from unfiltered coffee, the same cholesterol-raising effects occurred.
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Moderate consumption of caffeine in general does not appear to have a significant effect on your cholesterol. However, depending on how you brew your coffee, a potential link exists between coffee and increased cholesterol levels. The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University reports that cafestol, a component found in boiled coffee, may increase your cholesterol levels. Boiled and unfiltered coffee consists of varieties such as French press coffee and espresso. Drinking coffee brewed using a paper filter appears to prevent most of the cafestol from reaching your cup, according to Linus Pauling Institute.
Although moderate caffeine intake may not have a significant effect on your health, if you have a condition such as high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend that you avoid caffeinated products or limit your intake. Caffeine may cause a sharp rise in your blood pressure, and if you consume large amounts of caffeine throughout the day, this may cause a steady, high blood pressure, increasing your risk for health problems such as heart attacks and strokes.
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