

又1975年美國發行一部影響深遠之名片「飛下:杜鵑窩(cuckoos nest)是精神病院之意,源自同一首同名的美國童謠,歌詞中敘述一隻杜鵑瘋了似的飛來飛越杜鵑窩」(One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest)獲得奧斯卡最佳影片、男主角 (傑克尼柯遜)、女主角 (露意絲弗萊徹)、導演、改編劇本等獎項,此後在國內文獻上常出現用「杜鵑窩」代表「精神病院」之說詞。

(2)另根據 Random House historical dictionary of American slang / J.E. Lighter, editor.--New York : Random House, c1994 第537頁 ,對cuckoos nest一詞有一說明如下:a psychiatric hospital.[In 1960 quot.,a crzy place.][1960 Many Lovers of D. Gillis9(CBS-TV):Well, you belong in a cuckoos nest like this!] 1962 Kesey One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest(title). 1984 Jackson & Lupica Reggie 234: We all felt like would landed in the cuckoos nest. 1981-89 R. Atkinson Long Gray Line 327: Funny farm, loony bin, cuckoos nest, booby hatch, nut house.