
中大西洋選擇權(Mid-Atlantic Options) 寬他選擇權(Quanto Options) 想要收詢相關資料和書名? 因為專題要用... 但是我們不是很清楚這些東西,所以請給我們回答!!


百慕達選擇權(Bermudan option)又稱為準美式選擇權(quasi-American option)或中大西洋選擇權
(Mid-Atlantic option). 它是一種介於歐式和美式之間的選擇權. 百慕達選擇權在到期日之前有幾
個固定日期, 買方可提早, 以某一固定價格換取標的資產.
資料來源: 開啟中國證券市場大門-Google圖書






資料來源: 問題:什麼是美式期權和歐式期權?美式期權和歐式期權是什麼意思?

What Does Mid-Atlantic Option Mean?
An option that can be exercised at different times during the life of the option. The various times set for exercise are written within the option and allow for flexibility for both the writer and holder of the option. 

Investopedia explains Mid-Atlantic Option
The Mid-Atlantic option is named as such because its exercise dates are more flexible than European options and less flexible than American options. Thus, it is in the middle, just like the Atlantic Ocean is between Europe and America. Mid-Atlantic options are also referred to as Bermuda, Quasi American, or Semi-American options. 
資料來源: Investopedia

Mid-Atlantic Option
An option contract that may only be exercised on certain days. For example, if one buys a Mid-Atlantic call giving him/her the right to buy shares in X expiring on the final Friday in March, the call may only be exercised on certain days, usually one day per month. The term "Mid-Atlantic" comes from the fact that it combines features of a European option, which may only be exercised on the expiration date, and an American option, which may be exercised at any time. A Mid-Atlantic option is also called a Bermudan option.
資料來源: Financial dictionary-the free dictionary

Quanto 是 Quantity Adjusting Option 的簡稱, 是指 標的物(underlying)是以貨幣A計價, 但是以貨幣B來結算的 現金交割型衍生性金融商品. 如果某投資人想要投資國外商品, 例如美國投資人要投資日經指數, 最好的方式是投資 CME 的日經指數Nikkei 225期貨. 當 Nikkei 225 指數變動 1 點(1日元), 期貨的價值會變動 500美元. 如此一來可以投資海外商品, 又可以規避滙率風險. Quanto 期貨或選擇權其實是一般的期貨或選擇權再加上一組遠期匯率合約.
資料來源: 什麼是 Quanto?

quanto option
A derivative denominated in one currency that settles in another. 
Quanto is short for 'quantising adjusting option,' which is also known as a 'cross-currency derivative.' This may take the form of a future or an option, for example. Usually the underlying and strike price currency is the foreign one and the currency in which the derivative pays out is domestic, calculated as the option's intrinsic value. This type of investment is paid at a fixed exchange rate, protecting the investor from fluctuations. 
This strategy is often employed in situations where investors are confident in the strength of the underlying asset but uncertain about the performance of the currency in which it is denominated. By denominating the asset in a currency in which they are confident, the level of stability is increased. 
An example of this practice is the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's trade in futures on Japan's Nikkei 225 stock index, which are settled in USD rather than JPY. 
資料來源: FX Words 

Quanto Option
A cash-settled futures contract or other derivative in which the underlying asset is denominated in a currency other than the one in which it is settled. For example, two investors may enter into an agreement to buy/sell a futures contract on an index in which the index is in British pounds but the contract is settled in euros. The exchange rate at which the contract is settled is determined at the beginning of contract, protecting the investors from the foreign exchange risk that the currencies will adversely change in value.

A quanto option is an option on some underlying in one currency but paid in another currency. For example an standard call option on IBM, which is denominated in dollars pays $MAX(S-K,0) (where S is the stock price at maturity and K is the strike. A quanto stock option might pay £MAX(S-K,0). The pricing of such options naturally needs to take into account the correlation between the exchange rate of the two currencies involved and the underlying stock price. 
資料來源: Knowledgerush

相關參考資料, 請以 "期貨"、"選擇權" 為關鍵字進行檢索.

