

如您指的 "國土" 是 "國家的領土", "疆域" 是 "國家的疆域", 就請您看以下 "領土" 的解釋,
具有嚴格的政治學意涵. 中文的疆域, 如不經嚴格定義, 就如同以下的英文解釋, 是 domain "範圍"
的意思. 中文的 "國" 如不經嚴格定義也是如此, 如 "國" 不視為現代政治學上國家的意思, 也是
相對抽象的, 那就與 doamin 的意思幾無二致. 光是教育部國語辭典裏的 "國" 字就有如下的解釋.

1. 古代稱諸侯或君王的封地為「國」。如:「魯國」、「齊國」。易經˙師卦˙上六:「大君有命,開國承家,小人勿用。」唐˙柳宗元˙封建論:「漢興,天子之政行於郡,不行於國,制其守宰,不制其侯王。」 
2. 有土地、人民、主權的團體。如:「中國」、「美國」。 
3. 城市。孟子˙離婁下:「遍國中無與立談者。」 
4. 地方。如:「水鄉澤國」。唐˙王維˙相思詩:「紅豆生南國,秋來發故枝。」 
5. 姓。如春秋時齊國有國佐。 


A territory (from the word 'terra', meaning 'land') is a defined area (including land and waters), considered to be a possession of a person, organization, institution, animal, state or country subdivision. 

1. any tract of land; region or district. 
2. the land and waters belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a state, sovereign, etc. 
3. any separate tract of land belonging to a state. 
4. (often initial capital letter) Government. a. a region or district of the U.S. not admitted to the Union as a state but having its own legislature, with a governor and other officers appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. 
b. some similar district elsewhere, as in Canada and Australia. 

5. a field or sphere of action, thought, etc.; domain or province of something. 
6. the region or district assigned to a representative, agent, or the like, as for making sales. 
7. the area that an animal defends against intruders, esp. of the same species. 

Synonyms :
domain, dominion, sovereignty.