
《中國時報, 1992年5月2日, 第38版》何倫所寫的〈MTV小檔案〉,有很清楚的介紹,摘錄部份文字如下:「1981年,美國Warner Amex Satellite Entertainment Company 在有線電視網,開發了一個二十四小時專門播出熱門流行音樂的頻道,稱作『流行音樂電視頻道』(Music Television),簡稱MTV……*臺灣自製的第一支MTV: 張艾嘉在<童年>專輯中演唱的<大家一起來>,由麥大傑執導。(1981年)……」

另外,線上百科全書《The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia》 http://www.infoplease.com/spot/ ,亦可以找到以下資料:

music video

videotaped performance of a recorded popular song, usually accompanied by dance or a fragmentary story and sometimes employing concert footage. Typically three to five minutes long, music videos frequently include quick cuts, stylizations, fanciful and often erotic imagery, and computer graphics. Originally vehicles for promoting singles, most music videos are in the rock idiom. Although many examples of the genre feature the macho rock stars and scantily clad dancers that have become cultural clichés, certain music videos are notable for their cutting-edge techniques and artistic innovations, and some of their directors have achieved auteur status.

The music video form was popularized by the MTV cable network (est. 1981) and began to have wide popularity and influence in the early 1980s. By the 1990s many hundreds of videos, representing a cross-section of musical forms—from traditional to experimental rock, heavy metal to hip hop—were being produced yearly. Although music videos have usually been aimed at a teenage audience, many videos of ballads or “soft rock” songs are now directed at an older group of viewers. Since shortly after their inception, the style and content of music videos have strongly influenced advertising, television, film, and popular culture as a whole.


The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,  6th ed. Copyright © 2003, Columbia University Press.


出處 1. 中國時報, 1992年5月2日, 第38版
2. 線上百科全書《The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia》
3. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/ent/A0834565.html