


根據《圖書館學與資訊科學大辭典(國立編譯館主編.--臺北市 : 漢美, 民84.--初版)》下冊第2075頁:「圖書館週乃由國際性、全國性或地方性圖書館學會所特別訂定的一週,旨在促進大眾對於圖書館界及圖書館各項服務的了解與支持……中國圖書館學會於民國59年(1970)正式訂定每年12月1日至7日為圖書館週……西元1958年始由美國出版商和圖書館員共同倡議訂定全國圖書館週(National Library Week, 簡稱NLW)…」


National Library Week

Sponsored for the first time in 1958 by the National Book Committee and the American Library Association, National Library Week is an officially recognized seven-day period in the spring of each year during which special attention is given to promoting libraries of all types in the United States. Most public libraries celebrate the event by displaying posters and exhibits, issuing press releases, and sponsoring book talks and other promotional activities. In the UK, a similar event known as National Libraries Week is celebrated in the fall of each year. Click here to connect to the ALA gateway to Celebrating America's Libraries.

ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science




出處 ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science http://www.wcsu.edu/library/odlis.html#L